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Italian Turkey Pasta

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

Italian Turkey Pasta


Fast and healthy. Good for evenings you’re short on time—just cook the meat and noodles earlier in the day. My husband declares this recipe to be worthy of Romano’s Macaroni Grill (but then again, we haven’t been there since we lived in St. Louis…).  
·1-1.5 lb. Italian-seasoned ground turkey
·1 pkg. whole wheat egg noodles (Hodgson’s have great texture)
·3-5 Roma (or other) tomatoes
·Olive oil
·3-4 garlic cloves, minced
·Parmesan/Romano/mozzarella to sprinkle on top
Cook noodles and set aside.
Brown the turkey—I usually throw in some extra fennel.
Saute the tomatoes and garlic in a couple tbs. olive oil.
Throw in the turkey and noodles, stirring till heated through, and drizzle some more olive oil if needed.

Serve with optional toppings of fresh ground pepper and your preferred Italian cheeses. 

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