
Winter Vegetable Soup

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on December 16, 2007 at 7:19:31 pm

 Winter Vegetable Soup


A family Christmas Eve tradition.


2 med. onions, chopped

2 med. leeks, white part only, sliced thinly

1 clove garlic, minced

2 med. turnips, ½” cubes

8 oz. potatoes, ½” cubes

6 oz fresh mushrooms

4 carrots, ¼” slices

6 oz. fresh spinach in 2” pieces

3 Tbs. butter

5 c. chicken stock

1/3 c. toasted barley shapes or small pasta like orzo

salt and pepper

2 Tbs. chopped fresh parsley (or dried equivalent)


Sautee onion, leek and garlic.

Add turnip, potato, mushrooms, and carrots for another few minutes.

Add broth and heat to boiling.

Add pasta; cover and simmer 10 minutes.

Add spinach, salt and pepper.  Cover and simmer 5 more minutes. 


Great with Muenster cheese cubes on the bottom.  Also serve with fresh crusty bread and fruit. 


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